Our process has been designed to replace the standard approach to unsolicited submissions. All submissions are peer-reviewed and all users are assessed on their review expertise before reviewing genuine submissions. We do not rank manuscripts against each other and reviewers will receive no benefit from reviewing too leniently or harshly.
All writers on The Frontlist will be asked to review their fellow writers' work. Before doing so, their reviewing will be evaluated to ensure it meets our fairness and quality standards.
Once assessed, writers will be asked to review real submissions before they can submit their own work. The outcome of these reviews has no bearing whatsoever on a reviewer's future submissions.
When the reviews have been completed a writer can submit their own work for the first reviews. The first reviews will only consider the blurb and first paragraphs; if the reviews are favourable then the writer will progress to the next stage of deeper reviews.
more on the first stage (setup) →